Reading Time: < 1 minute This is an example project of how to use Spring WebSocket integrated with Message Broker Active MQ to deal with the scenario where you scale out your Microservice and keep the WebSocket communication working between different Clients connected to your backend service. Github:
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Creating a Billing Alert on Google Cloud Platform
Posted on — Leave a commentReading Time: < 1 minute Mike is a smart guy how to want to to have fun with cool stuff on the cloud. He learned how to create a google cloud account and he is ready to have fun. During the account registration, he gave his credit card number. This made Mike feel uncomfortable with bad feelings of being charged […]
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Posted on — Leave a commentReading Time: < 1 minute The beauty of cloud providers is that all them have some kind of incentive to start to use their services. They make things simple to get-start. The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free tier gives you access to all google cloud products. You can use VM Instances, Kubernetes and other cool services, some of them are […]
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